Inside the rise and fall of Malaysia’s Fusionex

Hello reader,How many companies can claim to be versatile enough to make the world’s most famous “personal massager” and all manner of heavy machinery and defense systems?Japanese firm Hitachi is a great example of the benefits of diversification for a conglomerate. So when the company acquired Malaysian data analytics firm Fusionex in 2020 t

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Inside the rise and fall of Malaysia’s Fusionex

Hello reader,How many companies can claim to be versatile enough to make the world’s most famous “personal massager” and all manner of heavy machinery and defense systems?Japanese firm Hitachi is a great example of the benefits of diversification for a conglomerate. So when the company acquired Malaysian data analytics firm Fusionex in 2020 t

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Inside the rise and fall of Malaysia’s Fusionex

Hello reader,How many companies can claim to be versatile enough to make the world’s most famous “personal massager” and all manner of heavy machinery and defense systems?Japanese firm Hitachi is a great example of the benefits of diversification for a conglomerate. So when the company acquired Malaysian data analytics firm Fusionex in 2020 t

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Inside the rise and fall of Malaysia’s Fusionex

Hello reader,How many companies can claim to be versatile enough to make the world’s most famous “personal massager” and all manner of heavy machinery and defense systems?Japanese firm Hitachi is a great example of the benefits of diversification for a conglomerate. So when the company acquired Malaysian data analytics firm Fusionex in 2020 t

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Inside the rise and fall of Malaysia’s Fusionex

Hello reader,How many companies can claim to be versatile enough to make the world’s most famous “personal massager” and all manner of heavy machinery and defense systems?Japanese firm Hitachi is a great example of the benefits of diversification for a conglomerate. So when the company acquired Malaysian data analytics firm Fusionex in 2020 t

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